Saturday, February 27, 2010

Leica love

My mom is a freak about old camera's and this photo was taken with a Leica that she borrowed from a cool coworker. This particular Leica is a range finder and apparently pretty hard to focus, but the background is dreamy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow dog

Ever heard of a snow angel? Here's my version of a that. Let's call it
a dog angel. Doesn't it look like me?

Dreaming of another day

when it was warm and there was grass and we walked and walked for hours...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A good day


I am feeling much much better now. I love yogurt and all that it does for my digestive system! Woof!

Yesterday was great. We went on a longer walk than usual and I almost got to eat a piece of chicken near the stadium, but my mom caught me just in time. There is always chicken there. I'll get it next time.

My mom took me to dog class later at night and we saw LUCY and then I promptly got in trouble by the teacher for getting too close to the other dogs. Doesn't she know you can sniff butts from a distance? Jeesh. My nose is long, but it isn't  THAT long.

At class, mom tried to teach me the difference between a carrot and a milk bone so when she asked me which is which, I would sniff the correct one. When the milkbone is in the picture, I always choose that one because it smells better. I can't help it.

It was nice day and I slept all night for a change.


Monday, February 15, 2010

A look out the window

What is that in the back of the truck?? Oh, it moved and there are two. Zoom's a Pepper and a Zig...

My mom caught me telling Pepper that we need to get in the cab of the truck to make it go. Pepper thought we could drive the truck from back here. Pepper's silly.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy valentine's day!

My portrait done by Rowan with sweet heart shaped poo which I thought was the perfect present for my mom.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Accidents happen

I'm not sure why, but sometimes, accidents happen. Even though I haven't poo'd on the floor in the house since my first week in KS, I guess I thought I'd try it this morning. Not sure why. I don't seem to be sick, but maybe something is up. I could tell my mom was mad or sad or something as she went about cleaning up my mess. I felt bad as I stood and watched her with my ears hanging low. She did take me for an extra long walk to see if I had to poo again, but I didn't.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hello my name is Rowan...

and I like to make drawings...of Zig and his ball!

Geometric Zig

This is a picture of me made of triangles! Don't you think it suits me?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Rrrrrrowan!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Rowan,
Happy birthday to you!


p.s. Thanks for helping me with the ladder.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blog work AKA (shhhhh!) a little shopping

Sometimes my mom thinks I'm blogging on this blog, when I am really shopping on Amazon for chew toys to kill.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Afternoon cigar break

My favorite thing to do in the afternoons, after playing fetch on campus, is to relax in the sun with a squid cigar.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Learning the ladder

In my fun and games class, we use a ladder to make us think about where our back feet are. I think that's silly because I KNOW where my back feet are. They are below my butt! Those humans are weird. The ladder is boring, but sometimes there are treats between the rungs.