Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I'm an author, right?

My sis needs to interview an author for a school project and I write this blog so I count, right? Yes, I think so. Her project would be super interesting if she were to interview me. I have lots of thoughts about things. 

A field spaniel is a work of art

But if you know me, you know this. My mom carved this of me as I was sniffing around in the snow in the back yard looking for my ball. I found it, by the way.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Elk River Hiking Trail

This is me, of course. Before I realized I had to poop REAL bad and started sniffing the air vents to let mom know I needed to stop. 

Yes, look at my cute butt. You know you wanna.

I don't know why there's a picture of this. It is not a sandwich so who cares.

Friday, February 14, 2020